Saturday, 26 October 2013

Baby dumping issue in Malaysia.

Baby dumping issue in Malaysia.

Baby dumping means the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care the baby. This social crisis is rapidly increasing in Malaysia, based on Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistics found a total of 580 babies were dumped between years 2000 to 2006. But it doesn't stop there the number of baby being dumped is chronically rising.    

Baby dumping in Malaysia

Why is dumping issues increasing? As for what I think based on this issue is that today’s lifestyle is completely different from the old days, because now things are thrown to us, everything is easy. Just by a click teenagers are able to easily excess pornography online, even though mobile phones. Apart from that, teenagers living on campus without parental control can lead to serious damage, because teenagers will start dating. Dating at night is bad, because when passions overtake reasonal. Teenagers tend to do thing out of their limit, and this can seriously affect their future. As much as we want to deny it, but our life is influence by the west. Celebrating New Year and Valentine Day as became part of our culture, during celebrating teenagers were easily cajoled into having unmarried sex, without thing about the sins and future problems. 

How to prevent this problem? Well parent play an important role in a child’s life, parent must control and minimize their children’s activities outdoor and teach good behavior to their child. But the most important thing is by providing religion education and teaching teen to stay out of sexual relationship. Campaign towards the regions and categories of population with focus on the prevention programs increased risks of dumping. This quote inspired me “you are what you do” because I think everybody should learn how to control themselves from doing stupid stuff and know the consequence cause by their action.  

By: Nurul Amanina Binti Abu Hassan

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