Saturday 26 October 2013

Baby dumping issue in Malaysia.

Baby dumping issue in Malaysia.

Baby dumping means the acts of throw away the babies at any places without take care the baby. This social crisis is rapidly increasing in Malaysia, based on Bukit Aman Police Headquarters statistics found a total of 580 babies were dumped between years 2000 to 2006. But it doesn't stop there the number of baby being dumped is chronically rising.    

Baby dumping in Malaysia

Why is dumping issues increasing? As for what I think based on this issue is that today’s lifestyle is completely different from the old days, because now things are thrown to us, everything is easy. Just by a click teenagers are able to easily excess pornography online, even though mobile phones. Apart from that, teenagers living on campus without parental control can lead to serious damage, because teenagers will start dating. Dating at night is bad, because when passions overtake reasonal. Teenagers tend to do thing out of their limit, and this can seriously affect their future. As much as we want to deny it, but our life is influence by the west. Celebrating New Year and Valentine Day as became part of our culture, during celebrating teenagers were easily cajoled into having unmarried sex, without thing about the sins and future problems. 

How to prevent this problem? Well parent play an important role in a child’s life, parent must control and minimize their children’s activities outdoor and teach good behavior to their child. But the most important thing is by providing religion education and teaching teen to stay out of sexual relationship. Campaign towards the regions and categories of population with focus on the prevention programs increased risks of dumping. This quote inspired me “you are what you do” because I think everybody should learn how to control themselves from doing stupid stuff and know the consequence cause by their action.  

By: Nurul Amanina Binti Abu Hassan

Friday 25 October 2013


My childhood life

Everyone said when you was a child, is the best time of your life and you don’t have any problem at all. Yup, I think so. I am lucky enough to have a happy childhood life experience.
I was very happy during my childhood. My childhood life was joyful, without any stress and no problems. Every evening, I'll play football with my friends at the field. Sometimes, my family and I will go jogging at the playground. The sweetest memories that is stored in my mind, is when my friends brought a new bicycle and i don’t have one. Every day I was depressed, I wanted a new bicycle like my friends. On my birthday, my dad surprised me by giving a bicycle as a present. I was very happy at that time because I could cycle along my friends. My parents always took me to play at the playground, they accompanied me until the late evening.

Today, children experience a very different lifestyle. They are no longer accompanied by their parents playing at the playground. This is because parents are very busy with their career. Therefore, the child will play at the playground without parental supervision. They have more time to play with friends.


The home environment from several years ago when I was 4 years old was quite different from today.

During my childhood, my mother would read a story book before I go to bed, which is the "Dog and Shadow", "Rabbit and the Tortoise" and "Stories of the Prophets". Sometimes, my father would tell about his life experience to me, until I fall asleep. Apart from that, they also watch television with me, such as Mr.Bean. It was one of the programs that we used to watch together, because it was my favourite cartoon program. My mother will make “milo ice” and snacks before watching television. I'm very happy and fortunate because my parent is always with me.

Today, children don’t spend much time with their parents. Their parents are very busy working until late. Therefore, they are surrounded by the media as their companions and entertainment such as mobile phones, various films, television, computers, video games, e-mail, instant messaging and text messaging, and the Internet. Teens spend nearly 17 hours a week on the internet and almost 14 hours week watching television.



This time I want to share with you all about taboo in our Malay community. Too many taboo that has been presented to us, especially when we were children. As a child, I always wondered whether the prohibition is true or plot. Before puberty at that time, I certainly will not be able to know the truth. But the more I mature, I almost find the answer. But I am not sure whether the answer is true or merely hypothetical. I hope with the assumptions, you can leave comments.

Among the common taboo I have heard are as follows:

“Do not point finger towards the rainbow, the consequences of your finger will be crippled”. O Allah! I have heard horror. If I noticed about the existence of the rainbow, I will soon hide the finger into the pocket. But I think that the prohibition was made because our ancestors worried because rainbow appears indicating drizzle. So if we drabble rain, we’ll fever. 
There are also fathers who say, “do not sit on the pillow, lest infected boils around the anus”. It sounds very strange. Since I was very stubborn, I have dared to experiment. Without feeling guilty, I was sitting on a pillow several times to accept the alleged curse. Cis! No boil grow at all! Farenova been duped again. But then I realize now, use pillows to lay the head, not the anus. If we sit on the pillow, pillow will result smelling anus. Correct?
There are also old people say, “do not open an umbrella in the house, lest the snake will enter the house”. About this taboo is still confused and I am stuck to find the answer. Ah .. I do not know what the rationale behind it. But I think there may be a sharp corner on the umbrella in case of negligence which may puncture the eye. Don’t you agree?
There is also forbidden taboo that it sounds very prank. It sounds like this, “girls who are not married can not sing in the kitchen, as feared would be delayed marriage”. Perghhhhh … Very terrible and obsessive thought all girls kan? As a precaution, many girls afraid to sing in the kitchen. They decided to sing in the toilet, they bark with emotions and think of themselves is like Jaclyn Victor. I took a long time to find the answer. But on this day there may be truth to the assumption that I have derived from the bosom. From my opinion, when girls singing in the kitchen, there is a possibility they will be splashed saliva into the dish or food in the pot. I only just the puzzle. If you have a more accurate answer, please forward to me.

Another popular Malay taboo is pregnant women should watch her words while talking. For example she is not allowed to talk about the illness of somebody else. If she does so the unborn baby will develop stabilities. The reason for this taboo is pregnant woman should be polite and should not act rude because she carrying a little angel inside her womb. So she should become a good role mother.

Actually too much taboo and customs that do not make sense that can be found in the traditions of our society. But behind the trickery in the forbidden taboo, there are many lessons we can learn from it. But our ancestors education methods differ, they do not like to tell accurately about the consequences. They prefer intimidating so we do not make of mistakes. Effects and consequences will be explored slowly, in line with increasing age. In conclusion, taboo and tradition in our society seems to resemble the teachings of error, but actually implied a very valuable lesson.

Friday 4 October 2013


What does impoliteness mean to you?”, “Do you see yourself as an impolite person?”

Gosh, nowadays conversation among us is so impolite, it’s just so harsh. I mean in a day, there must be at least one impolite word used among us. Well at least that what I think, for an example we tend to get furious when stuck in traffic that when all the swear word comes out. Swearing words are not to be said in public and movie because it can cause negative influences to young generation. 

Swearing is impolite.
To some people swearing is not a big deal, but NOT to me. Because I believe that the way you talk can influences the people around you and how they will look at you. I realize that we tend to easily get pissed over small matter, and start to say impolite words. If you ever feel like you are that type of person, slap yourself silly and wake up. There more to life than saying harsh words. We should treat people with politeness and kindness, just the way we want people to treat us back. So in life, let’s remind ourselves to be good people. Focus on what we have to do and along the way, always forgive people who hurt us, knowingly or unknowingly. We all have to learn to chill and not be impolite all the time. 

Let's be polite.

Sending politeness vibes to everyone! Bbbbbbbzzzzzzz…..=)

By  : Nurul Amanina Binti Abu Hassan

Tuesday 1 October 2013

World Poverty


What is poverty ? Who suffer for poverty ? What are the cause of poverty ?........

For me the simple word that define  POVERTY is THE POOREST OF THE POOR.

According to the dictionary, poverty which is pronounce as pov·er·ty  is the state of being poor ; lack of the means of providing material needs or comfort. 

How can we take this issue as simple as ABC ?

About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every four seconds, as you can see on this display. Sadly, it is children who die most often.
Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.

The fact about poverty : 

World Population
·         7 billion
World Hunger
·         870 million people do not have enough to eat — more than the populations of USA and the European Union combined.2
·         98% of the world's undernourished people live in developing countries.2
·         Two-thirds of the world's hungry live in just 7 countries: Bangladesh, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia and Pakistan.2
·         Where is hunger the worst?
o    Asia and the Pacific: 578 million3
o    Sub-Saharan Africa: 239 million3

o    Latin America and the Caribbean: 53 million3

Figure shows that population living below national poverty line.

Primary factors that may lead to poverty include overpopulation, the unequal distribution of resources in the world economy, inability to meet high standards of living and costs of living, inadequate education and employment opportunities, environmental degradation, certain economic and demographic trends and welfare incentives.

Sociological readings reveal the effects of poverty as being transferred from generation to generation. Family values, routine and standard of living leave little room for development beyond one's day by day situations. A family's attitude is inclined towards a "moment-to-moment" viewpoint. The enduring requirement to provide for food and shelter is the prime concern, converting other priorities like providing a planned habitat atmosphere for children, self-sufficiency and futuristic plan, seem unimportant.
The effects of poverty are the same as the consequences of not gratifying one's needs satisfactorily. Poor people are often emaciated and unwell. And they frequently don't live as long they can under standard conditions. Some usual effects of poverty are:
  • Lack of opportunity
  • Mental and physical aliments
  • Drug abuse and addiction
  • Increase in Crimes
  • Child and woman abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Debt Pressures
  • Educational deprivation

Here are five big solutions outlined that would bring millions of struggling families into the middle class:

  1. Creating good jobs
  2. Raising wages.
  3. Training the next generation of workers
  4. Investing in children.
  5. Strengthening families.

By : Nur Najihah binti Rosli


Hey, this is our blog for Fundamental English, so I have something to share about me and my friends. I am a person who is positive about every aspect of life. My name is Haslina Binti Sahat, I am 21 years old. I am from Labis , Johor. I was born in February, 1992, so I like everything that is related with February.  I have two older brothers, one sister and two younger brothers. My favourite thing to do is watching movies. My hobby is playing netball, and every evening after class, I will play netball with my friends. 

Now I would like to describe one of my best friends her name is Nur Najihah Binti Rosli. She has a very cool personality. She greets me so friendly no matter what time and place. She is the same age as me she was also born in April 1992, and is from Umbai, Melaka. Her favourite thing to do is watching Korean game show that is “Runningman”. She has one brother and one sister.  Her hobby is travelling. Her dream is to go to Korea and meet Korean boy band “CNBLUE”. 


Then, I would like to describe another one of my best friends her name is Nurul Amanina Binti Abu Hassan. She is very polite, good mannered and sweet. She never promises anything wrong to others. I have never seen her losing her temper. She was born at March, 1992 so we are the same age. She lived in Sungai Petani, Kedah. She has two sisters and four brothers. She is also a fan of “Runningman”. When we have free time, we will watch the game show together. Her hobby is reading books. 


Right now we are studying Bachelor at UniKL MICET in Chemical Engineering Technology in Food. This is our first semester. We are in the same course and class. We graduated in Diploma from UniKL MICET in Chemical Engineering Technology in Food. So, we have been best friends since 3 years ago.

Sincerely me,